Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Agricluture and animal husbandry

Agricluture and animal husbandry

practical no :1 making of plot:-

* Aim :- to learn the about of making land .

* Information of plot :- land of soil is in two different parts .

1) we can 't transport land .

2)  we can transport soil .

In a land soil 45% , air 25% , water 25%  , and organic carbon 5% it is need for land for growing plants .

How soil is made :- 

Soil is the thin layer of material covering the earth's surface and is formed from the weathering of rocks. It is made up mainly of mineral particles, organic materials, air, water and living organisms—all of which interact slowly yet constantly. 
1) soil give support to plants .
2) soil give mineral & water to plants .
3) soil store water for plants .
4) soil is the home for bacteria . 
Types of bed :- 
1) sari bed methods .
growth : sugarcane , corn , potato . 
this plant are grow in sari bed method .
2) vafe bed method : - 
growth : methi , kothambir , palak .
This types of leafy vegetable are grow in vafe bed method . 
3) gadi bed method :- 
growth : onion , chille , cauliflower , cabbage . 
this types of vegetable are grow in gadi bed method .
4) Aale bed method :- 
growth : mango , chikku , gave . 
this types of fruits tree are grow in Aale bed method .
5) plane bed method :- 
growth : jawar , bajra , wheat .
this types of grain are grow by this method .

* Aim :- to process seed of grain good production .
* Tools and Accessories :- bucket , mug , & Trichodeema .
Observetion :- Quility production is gained due to seed processing .
Result :- In very less cost we gain quality due to seed.
* Aim :- measuring of plot .
* Requirement :- measurement tape . * Procedure :- measuring the ghevada plot .
53 x 19 = 1007 sq feet . 
1) feet to meter , 53 / 3.3 = 16   19 / 3.3 = 5 Ans :- 16 x 5 = 80 sq meter . 
2) feet to inch , 53 x 12 = 636 19 x 12 = 228 Ans :- 636 x 228 = 145008 sq inch . 
3) inch to cm ,  636 x 2.5 = 1590 228 x 2.5 = 570 Ans :- 1590 x 570 = 106300 sq cm .
4) cm to mm , 1590 x 10 = 15900570 x 10 = 5700Ans :- 15900 x 5700 = 90630000 sq mm 
Practical no :- 4 Agriculture tools . 
* Aim :- learning ho who use tool in agriculture .
* Requirement  :- take tools of agriculture .
a) tools : khurpa , fawda , kudal , vila , ghamela , nangar , pahar , datal , bucket , mugs . 
Uses of tools :- 
1) khurpa : It is used for taking out grass or weed from cultivated land during whole agriculture process .
2) Fawda {khore} :- It is used for pulling soil to make whole avtivated land level .
3) kudal :- it is used to dig land for cultivation . 
4) ghamila :- It is used to transport soil stone or anythings from one place to another . 
5) vila :- It is used for cutting the grass from base without harming roots . 
6) Nangar :- It is used with tractor rather to do a bug ky work on land cultivation . 
7) Datal :- It is used for pulling stone up from soil to make land soft for land . 
8) Pahar :- It is used for digging the land . 
Practical no :- 5 types of Irrigation . 

PROCEDURE-  Irrigation system like dripper is used for          supplying water drop by drop  

1) DRIP IRRIGATION - Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation that has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface. The goal is to place water directly into the root zone and minimize evaporation.

2) SPRINKLER IRRIGATION -Sprinkler irrigation is a method  of applying  irrigation water which is similar to natural rainfall. Water is distributed through a system of pipes usually by pumping. It is then sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small water drops which fall to the ground.
3) LOCALIZED IRRIGATION -  Localized irrigation systems apply water directly where the plant is growing thus minimizing water loss through evaporation from the soil. Such localized irrigation systems include drip irrigation, porous clay pots, porous pipes, and perforated plastic sleeves.
4) SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION -Subsurface irrigation is a highly-efficient watering technique that reduces outdoor water use by 30 to 40 percent. The system consists of drip irrigation tubing planted about five inches below the surface. The water goes straight to your lawn's roots, and it doesn't blow away or run down the sidewalk.
5) MANUAL IRRIGATION -Manual irrigation systems are very simple, but effective methods for making water available to crops. Manual irrigation systems are easy to handle and there is no need for technical equipment. But it is important that they are constructed correctly to avoid water loss and crop shortfall.
                                                               SOIL TESTING - In agriculture, a soil test commonly refers to the analysis of a soil sample to determine nutrient content, composition, and other characteristics such as the acidity or pH level.
AIM- To test soil by different methods 
TOOLS - Soil testing kit , ghamela , favda , khora , etc 
1)First take 1 gram of thin solid and add in the                                  testing bottle 
2) Then add liquid nitrogen  up to 6 ml and shake                             it until a minute  
 3)Then keep the bottle for 5-6 minutes stable .                                 then add four drops of anti 2 and anti  3 in                                     testing bottle ,then compare the color with PH                                reading 
 4) Now add phosphorus and do the same process 
Practical no :- 7 grafting . 

grafting  or graftage is a horticultural technique whereby tissues of plants are joined so as to continue their growth together. The upper part of the combined plant is called the scion   (/ˈsaɪən/) while the lower part is called the root stock. The success of this joining requires that the vascular tissue grow together and such joining is called inosculation. The technique is most commonly used in asexual propagation of commercially grown plants for the horticultural and agricultural trades.
TYPES OF  GRAFTING - 1) Saddle graft 
                                             2) Bridge graft 
                                             3) Inarch graft 
                                             4) Bark graft 
SADDLE GRAFT - : A plant graft made by fitting a deep cleft in the end of the scion over a wedge in the end of a stock of similar diameter so that the two cambiums are in contact
a plant graft made by inserting one or more scions with one end below and the other end above an interruption of the cambium or other weak point in the stock and used especially to bridge wounds (as from gnawing) or to reinforce weak or defective grow graft 
BARK GRAFT - : A plant graft made by slitting or slipping the bark of the stock and inserting the scion beneath it and used especially in top working and frame working where two or more scions are inserted in the end of each truncated branch of the stock — compare crown graft
2) Cut a scion. For T-budding, you must cut into the branch 12 inch (1.3 cm) below the bud to 34 inch (1.9 cm) beyond the bud. Make the cut as deep as needed to include the soft, green layer beneath the bark but not any deeper. This green material must be exposed on your scion for a successful graft. If you must store your scion bud, wrap it in a damp paper towel, place it in a polyethylene bag, and store it in a refrigerator.[1]
3) Make a T-cut on your rootstock. Choose a space on a branch or sapling that is 14inch (0.6 cm) to 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. The space must be free of any buds, ideally far from any buds. Make a vertical slice in the bark about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long and deep enough to expose that green layer. Make a horizontal slice of the same depth that is about one third the distance around the rootstock. Twist the knife in the juncture of the slices to create flaps of the bark, making the green layer visible.
 4) Introduce the scion. Slip the scion containing the bud under the flaps you've just created on the rootstock, taking care not to introduce any dirt or germs. If part of the scion's bark sticks out above the T-cut, slice it off so that everything fits together snugly.  
5) Tie the scion to the rootstock. Wrap a stretchy rubber material such as grafting rubber around the rootstock to hold the scion in place. Be careful not to jostle or cover the bud.    
 6) Remove the tie. In about a month, the rubber you wrapped around the rootstock may loosen and fall off. If it doesn't, gently remove it yourself so that the area will not be constricted.       
7) Follow up on your bud. If the bud looks plump and healthy, it is probably alive. If it looks shriveled, then it has died and you'll have to start again.   
Practical no :- 8 seed sowing 
* Aim :- sowing and methods .
* tool and equipment :- agriculture tools .
* Procedure :- seed sowing and methods of seed sowing .
Sowing :- sowing or seed sowing identifed as the process of plants of placing the seed in soil to geiminate and grow into plants  , In comparisan plating is the putting the plants properly in soil for growing plants propagules can be seedling roots tubers and leaves cutting . 
methods of sowing :- 
1} broad casting .
2} Dibbling . 
3} Drilling . 
4} sowing behind the conutry plough .
5} planting . 
6} trans planting .
Practical no :- 9 jivamrut . 
JEEVAMRUT MEANS ONE SOLUTION MANY BENEFITS                                                                      
Jeevamrut: Organic manure
Jeevamrut is a liquid organic manure popularly used as means of organic farming. It is considered to be an excellent source of 'natural carbon', 'biomass', 'Nitrogen', 'Phosphorous' 'Potassium' and lot of other micro nutrients required for the crops. As compared to other forms of manure, composts, vermi-compost, Jeevamrut can be prepared very quickly and has proven to be lot more effective. Usage of Jeevamrut along with other manures can also prove to be beneficial.
Advantages of Jeevamrut:
• It acts as an agent to increase the microbial count and friendly bacteria in the soil
• As the preparation time is only 4-5 days, it can be used effectively and frequently
• Usage of Jeevamrut helps increase the earthworm count in the soil; earthworm leads to a very porous quality soil which has a higher water holding capacity, improves aeration, bring up minerals from deep in the subsurface that are often in short supply in surface layers
• If used consistently it can eradicate the need for chemical fertilizers completely
• Improves the PH of the soil
• Suitable for all crops and increases the yield and cuts down on entire expenses of Chemical fertilizers.

Jeevamrut is prepared as follows
1. 1000 Liters of Water
2. 50 KG Indian/Desi Breed Cow Dung (It has been observed that the nutrient values found in Indian breed cows is much higher than the hybrid ones)
3. 50 Liters of Cow Urine (Gomutra)
4. 10-12 KG of Gram Flour (Besan) (Other Pulses flour can also be taken)
5. 10-12 KG of Jaggery (Gudh)
6. Two Handfuls of Soil taken from the roots of Banyan Tree (or any other old tree found close to the farm. This act as source of friendly bacteria and enzymes required for the good health of soil)
The above ingredients should be stored in a cool place and away from sunlight. The mixture needs to be stirred couple of times (10 mins every time) for 4 days. The ingredients ferment and Jeevamrut is prepared for the use. This Jeevamrut can now be used for 2-3 days. Beyond the 8th day of preparation, the bacterial colonies in the liquid start reducing. It is beneficial to do a live mulching (mulching with help of grass, hay, sugarcane straw remains etc.) along with the Jeevamrut application. Mulching will help the earthworms (Gandul / Kenchua) to work in the soil till upper most layer bringing more porosity and minerals till the surface.

Hurdles faced with usage of Jeevamrut:
Jeevamrut is prepared from animal remains and naturally it has a very foul smell. Also, as it is in liquid state it isn't as easy to handle as the regular solid fertilizers. The liquid also, has a shelf life of not more than 10-12 days beyond which it isn't effective to be used.
Due to these factors, Jeevamrut has to reach each crop quickly and consistently. It's drenching has to be at the roots of the plants. Farmers with smaller plots have tried to manually drench Jeevamrut, however labor turns out to be a major challenge. First, finding labor to work in such foul smell (which even animals get repelled from) is difficult and secondly, manual drenching on a consistent basis to an average plot of 5 acres will require 4-5 labor. The wages for the labor will be anywhere between Rs. 15-25,000. This takes out the feasibility out of this method of farming.

Overcoming the Hurdles:
The above hurdles can be overcome if we automate the Jeevamrut irrigation. The automation can be achieved using the existing drip / sprinkle irrigation on the farm to irrigate the entire crop. For this we will need to filter the Jeevamrut to remove all the suspended particles in it which can cause blockages/choking the nozzles of drip irrigation or sprinkle irrigation. There is a product named "Pruthviraj Jeevamrut Filter[2]" available for filtration of all organic slurry. With help of such product one can use Jeevamrut effectively and get rid of hazardous chemical fertilizers. 
Practical no :-10 Napsack pump . 
* Aim :- study napsack pump .
* working :- Process start by pulling  and pushing hydroulic piston which produces pressure . when piston is pulled up water fills in whole piston through the hole .when piston is pushed again in the pump ball bearing locks the hole and water get stuck in it there 's a limits of pressure were pump get lock at one points so we have to open the connecting pipes which further releases water forward by force and it passed through nozzle filter works as on filter device in pump .
* parts :- hydroulic piston , ball bearing , rubber ,           vicer , connecting pipe , trigger , nozzle , filter ,             pressure producing handle . 
* Result :- this make easy to spray any chemical . 

* Important  of land / soil 

Practical no :- 2  Seed Processing . 

Seed processing  :- Is a crucial step in refining post-harvested seed to its purest form for replanting purposes and human/animal consumption. Seed processing is divided into two main categories: seed cleaning and seed treating . 

What is Seed Processing? 

Seed processing is a crucial step in refining post-harvested seed to its purest form for replanting purposes and human/animal consumption. Seed processing is divided into two main ca+tegories: seed cleaning and seed treating. Seed cleaning involves the use of equipment to make various size and density separations of material so that the healthy seed is separated from the trash and bad seed. Depending on the customers needs, this can be an in-depth process involving various machines to achieve the required degree of separation. We understand that often times your needs are driven by your customers. Our diverse Seed Processing line allows us to cater directly to your needs. Seed treating or seed dressing is most commonly for seed purposed for replanting. This process involves taking the cleaned seed and coating them in a chemical, usually antimicrobial or fungicidal, to make the seed more robust for the field. ARMckay can easily integrate seed treating equipment into an existing system, while allowing you to by pass the treater when it is not needed.

Practical no :- 3 measurement of plot . 

9) Bucket and mugs :- It is used for to supply water , chemical organic solution to plants . 

Practical no :- 6 Soil testing . 

 5) Same as potassium this to continuous for same . 

1) Choose your cultivar and your rootstock. In order for your budding to be successful, you must cut a scion (small piece for grafting) from a healthy, disease-free cultivar (origin tree) as well as a suitable growing tree (rootstock). The rootstock in this case is an established tree that the scion can be spliced into. For T-budding, the bark of both trees must be "slipping." This means the bark is easily peeled off and the green layer underneath is moist, which usually occurs in the spring. Try irrigating them well to help them along

Animals husbandry :- 

What is Lactometer
Lactometer, a cylindrical vessel made by blowing a glass tube. One side of glass tube looks like a bulb with filled by mercury and another site is thin tube with scaled. For milk testing lactometer dipped in milk which we are testing. In lactometer the point up to which it sinks in the pure milk is marked after that put in water and marked at the point up to which it sinks in water. It sinks less in milk then water because as we know milk is denser then water. At lactometer there are to portions i.e. ‘M ‘and ‘W’ which is divided in three parts and marked as 3, 2 and 1. That indicates the level of the purity in Milk.
Here below some steps mentioned for milk testing –
# Step 1- Whenever you want to test the milk purityArticle Search, you just put the instrument or lactometer in milk.
# Step 2- If it sinks up to the mark ‘M’ which mentioned at lactometer that means milk is pure or if not that means milk is impure.
# Step 3- If the milk is mixed in water then it would sink higher then marked ‘M’.
# Step4- If it stands at the mark 3 that means milk is 75% pure and respectively 2 for 50% purity and 1 means 25% purity.
Lactometer is basically more suitable or useful in sea warfare where now the days most of shops and submarines also use it for milk purity test. Here below advantages of lactometer mentioned by which you have an idea about how a lactometer gives you advantage-
Advantages of Lactometer
Everyone can use lactometers easily.
Lactometers results have maximum accuracy.
Lactometer requires low maintenance cost.
Lactometers price are minimum that’s why anyone can purchase it.
Lactometers are used for milk purity checker and also a very reliable instrument. It is scientifically observed that the cases of skimmed milk the lactometer fails to provide correct results if the density of skimmed milk is made equal to pure milk adding water.
Conclusion- Lactometer is useful for milk testing by which anyone can measure their milk purity easily. It’s necessary to eat or drink healthy for a healthy life. 


Aim : To know about azolla.

Tools : Tikaav, Phavda, Plastic paper, Bricks.

Process : 

1) Gather azolla, and bring it home in a plastic cover, then put it in a tub that has water in it. It will be fresh for only 2 days. It should not be exposed to sunlight.

2) Make a pit that is 5 feet by 3-3 ½ feet. The floor of the pit should be very even. Remove any roots

3) Spread out the plastic sheet. It should be 2 feet longer and 2 feet wider than the pit, with no holes. The sheet must be spread out smooth. The sheet’s outer edges should be fixed with mud so that they don’t move. Making this mud wall around the pit also helps to keep things out of the pit. Any mud that has fallen in should be removed completely. 

4) Now fill the pit with water. The depth of the water should be the same as the height of a brick. The water level must be maintained daily – if it goes down add more water. Even small holes in the sheet will result in water leakage.

5) Add 1 ½ kilograms of cow dung.

6) Bring azolla in jeevamuthra water and add it to the pit. In 15-20 days, the azolla will grow to fill the pit. 

7)The pit must be in the shade. If the pit isn’t under a tree, build a shelter for it. If the shelter is damaged, you must repair it.

8) When the azolla has grown to fill the pit, remove some and wash it to get rid of the cow dung smell before feeding to the cow. If the cow will not eat it, wash it again and give it to the cow. Start with feeding the cow 75-100 grams of azolla daily in the morning, then increase up to 1 kg. 

to € ¤¤à¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
Observation :

From time to time, add jeevamuthra or cow dung water (slurry). Every now and then ½ to 1 kg of cow dung can be added. Do not dry the azolla.

Result :

If you remove 100 g of azolla from the pit one day, the next day it will have grown back. Azolla can also be used to fertilize paddy. Azolla absorbs nitrogen from the atmosphere.

                     recognizing the age of cow

recognizing the age of cow ¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤à¤¤

Aim -:Recognizing the age of animals

Requirement -: gloves, mask, measurement tape.

recognizing the age of cow ¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤à¤¤
procedure-:1)Go to the where you can get cow goat or else 
                     2)first observe the length
                     3)While observing check how many teeth they have .
                     4)Chek while they milkyteeth or permanent teeth.
                     5)While checking the animal teeth take care that they will don't bite while checking the teeth.

  • Formula : A*A*B/10400
  • A - Chest area                                           
  • B - Distance from head bone to tail b
recognizing the age of cow ¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤à¤¤

Production of cow -:9 Month's

                           TDN(Total digestive nutrient)

Aim :To study total digestive nutrient of animals.

Requirements-: Pen,paper

Procedure-:A x A x B        A =Chest area 
                     10,400            B =Distance from harn to monkey bone.

                = 60902                                                                                                   10.400 
                 = 585.774 kg.

Calculation according to feed 

1)Bhuimug pend =71%
2)ginger grass     =72%
3) jwari kadba = 40%
4) Bajiri sarmat = 35%

TDN =     Cow TDN  
                Cow reed

         =     39.28
         = 787,699m

Result-: According to TDN determination we can come to know whether cow farming is in profit or loss

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Aim :- Making food for annual in summer season.

Requirement :                                                                                       1)Shade net                                                                                            2)Trays with holes                                                                                3)sack                                                                                                    4)Corn                                                                                                    5)Drip pipes                                                                                          6) Foggars                                                                                              7)End caps                                                                                            8)PVC pipes                                                                                          9)Stand like structure                                                                      10)Sprayer with bottle                                                                         11)Timer with tripperhydroponics of corn ठ• à ¥ ‡ लिठठ‡ à¤®à ¥ ज पठ° िठ£ ाम
Process :-
 1)Take the measurement of stand where we want to fix the drip pipe then cut those to fix.
2)Then make holes where you want to fix fogers.
3)Then fix these where water comes from.
4)Take trays then clean with normal water then with potassium after this dry those.
5)Then take corn an soak in hot water for 24 hours.
6)Then take bag and pour whole corn in 2 or 3 bags, then store for 24 hours.
7)After the time period we can observe sprouting of corn in bags.
8)Know take corn out and fill in trays in required quantity.
9)Set all trays in stand properly.
10)Set timer as 2 minutes a 1:45 hour.
11)Leave it for 7 day it will grow 7 inches, then take out,then wash and feed.

Result :- From 1 kg corn we can get minimum 4 kgs of fodder.

Practical : 17

Aim :- Preparation of Murghas.

Requirements :- 
    Kadba ,Kutti,Salt,Water,Gud (Jaggery),Drum-500kg,Weighing machine

Quantity & Costing :- 

  1. Kutti material = 40kg + 80 rs
  2. Salt                  =50g     + 7 rs
  3. Jaggery            =100g   + 5 rs
  4. Mineral mix    =50g     + 10.5 rs
  5. Butter milk     =50ml   + 1 rupee

Total                               = 103.5 rupee
murgash of cow ठ• à ¥ ‡ लिठठ‡ à¤®à ¥ ‡ ज पठ° िठ£ ाम

Labour Charge :- Total amount*25%/100

                            103.5*25/100 = 27.87 rs
Process :- 

  • We bought kutti material from farm and cutted it in small peaces.
  • Then we added jaggery in water.
  • We also added salt and urea and in water,then we mixed all that materials.
  • Then we sprayed on all the kutti material.
  • Then we filled in a bag which has 2 layers of  Plastic cover and bag typed.
  • In between the time of filling in bag we totally compressed all the materials by pressing.
  • Then we packed the bag without air in it.
Advantages :- 

  • As it is high in protein it should be feed to animals.
  • It also increases milk production of animals.
Observation :- 

  • It helps to increase animals weight and milk production.
Result :- 

  • Know we made a pickle like item for animal,it tastes good,smells good,good for health of it.

Planting types

Aim :- To prepare many types of small plants and to increase production.

Tools :- Scale(30cm), Plastic bag, Siccors, Knife, etc.
Procedure :-


Diploma in Basic Rural Technology {DBRT}Project Name:- planting of bajri .                                           Student Name :-   Abhishek walke                            SectionName:- agriculture and animal husbandry  Guardian Name:- omkar sir  

Aim :- planting of bajri . 

Instrument :- favda , khore , ghamela . 

Ingrediants :- bajri seeds , bio waste , uriya . 

procedure :- 

1-3-2018 , firstly level the land , 
1-3-2018 , making bed on the level land sari bed                                 methods . 
2-3-2018 , buying the bajri seed 1 kg .
2-3-2018 , putting fertilizer on land .
2-3-2018 , planting seed of bajri , and spreadind it every                      ever on the land . 
2-3-2018 , puting water to seed . 
Image result for farmer putting water to their farm
4-3-2018 , putting water to seeds . 
6-3-2018 , seed starting growing first sprot  .
7-3-2018 , putting water to the bajri plants . 
8-3-2018 ,  seed started growing one leaf . 

10-3-2018 , sprot started growing 3 leafs . 

no     material       rate per/kg     quantity     price 
 1        uriya           50/- per/kg        2 kg         100 /- 
 2      bajri seeds   30/- per/kg        1 kg          50 /- 
 3      goats waste         -                 25 kg           - 
                                                           Total   =   150 /- 
                                    labour charge 25 % =    37 /- 
                                                 total charge =   187 /- 

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